Grants, Awards, and Fellowships

Juilliard sponsors a number of entrepreneurship grants for current and graduating students pursuing independent projects.

茱莉亚音乐生涯, Project, and 创业 Grants


茱莉亚音乐生涯, Project, Jakab, and 创业 Grants are designed to identify, support, and foster early to mid-stage Juilliard student career needs, 独特的项目, 企业, and targeted initiatives; and by doing so, enhance career opportunities and promote the spirit of entrepreneurship at Juilliard. Up to $75,000 of support is awarded through these grant programs each year. Career and Project Grants are awarded once per semester by application. 创业 Grants are awarded in the spring semester by application and interview. The Jakab Grant designation is given to grants with a travel and service component. Recipients benefit from several support systems throughout the academic year to ensure immediate and long-term success.

  • 金融支持
  • 指导实施
  • One-On-One and Group Consulting
  • 网络
  • Workshops and Professional Development


  • 可行性 项目的 idea and a potential for success
  • 明确定义的 mission 并演示了 动力
  • Social, artistic, and creative value 项目的
  • Proven 承诺 by project lead and team members
  • 创意 这个想法
  • 详细的 budget 适当的表达 具体需求 and 财务目标
  • 现实而有条理 时间轴
  • 可持续性 商业模式


艾伦·D. Marks Center for 职业服务 and 创业, Room 488
(212) 799-5000,分机. 313
(电子邮件保护) or (电子邮件保护)

Juilliard Career Advancement Fellowships, Novick Career Advancement Grants, and Benzaquen Career Advancement Grants

Juilliard administers over $300,000 in fellowship and grant awards for graduates from all disciplines who are starting their careers immediately upon graduation. 奖金为10美元,000 are given to a select group of graduates with an established track record demonstrating artistic merit, 领导, 参与广度, 创新, and an entrepreneurial mindset among other key characteristics. Funds will provide a critical jump-start to their careers, providing resources for professional development as well as general living expenses.

社区参与 Fellowships


每年, approximately 30 multidisciplinary ensembles in the Gluck Community Service Fellowship (GCSF) perform over 400 interactive concerts at healthcare facilities, 社区中心, and assisted living facilities. 通过CLIMB奖学金, 地图奖学金, 麦凯布吉他协会, and Morse Teaching Artist Fellowship, Juilliard provides free arts education and arts enrichment experiences in public schools, 社区中心, and community arts organizations to thousands of youth and young people each year.

Learn more about these Fellowship and other 社区参与 programming.



茱莉亚学院的指导项目, the first of its kind at any conservatory, is part of the June Noble Larkin Program for the Humanities, which will introduce several initiatives to broaden the repertoire of personal skills developed at Juilliard.

The 专业的指导 program (for third- and fourth-year undergraduates and all graduate students) invites students to apply with a project that has an expansive arts-learning agenda, 或者一个职业目标. Those who are accepted are paired with faculty mentors who help shape the projects and connect students to professionals in the New York arts community who can mentor students in the project. Projects have included choreographing and filming a site-specific dance to learning about Indian sitar music.

Students must apply and be interviewed to join both programs.

Juilliard and the arts in general are challenging worlds—it is hoped that the mentor will serve as a guide to help each student find his or her own way into a lifetime of exploration and creative satisfaction.


(212) 799-5000,分机. 592



Students interested in producing their own independent interdisciplinary projects on campus are encouraged to visit the Alan D. Marks Center for 职业服务 and 创业 to share ideas, 头脑风暴, and discuss opportunities for collaboration. 学生表现, 彩排, and class schedules are rigorous, we are happy to meet with you to discuss ways to create new work outside of the curriculum. 等待批准, you may be provided with space for your project, 教员/员工咨询, 还有筹集资金的机会.


艾伦·D. Marks Center for 职业服务 and 创业
(212) 799-5000,分机. 313